Kalindra Help

What is this?

Kalindra is a software you may use to find dates. Let's say you want to meet with your friends again. But all your schedules are busy and mismatched. With Kalindra, you make a board and tell all your friends to click on the days, on which they would be free to go out. On the reults page, you will see a heat map style view of how many people are free on what day.

This is just an example and may of course be used for all kinds of purposes. I try to keep this software as general as possible.

How to use it?

There are fine details depending on if you are using a touch based input (mobile) or classic keyboard and mouse (desktop). Other input methods are not yet supported.

On desktop: LMB to select, Shift + LMB to unselect. This alows for drag-to-select.

On mobile: Touch to select & unselect. Drag-to-select is not possible.

For board creators

The time range is currently not editable after creation. So if you make a mistake or time has moved on, you are encouraged to create a new board. I also suggest you use identifiable board names for the ranges i.e.: John's Parties 2024.


If you encounter issues with random redirects to the setup page this may mean that you use some character in your board name, which the software is not able to handle. While this should be rare, it is technically possible until I fix it some time. This has yet to happen.

For board users

You can view all the cast votes on the Results page. You know you are on the Results page when you do not have a text box at the top. If you see a calendar and a text box, you can vote / select appropriate days and send / submit them with a identifyable username (or not identifyable, you do you).


Once you submit changes, any previous data for that username is going to be overwirtten mercilessly. Yes, that does mean you have to reselect everything if you decide to make a small change. You can use the "Load" button to retrieve and preselect all dates of a username, though.

What about data safety? Can I trust this?

In short: no.

For now, this software remains a public draft, as I call it. That means it just floats about on the internet and is generally not really ready to be used. I do plan on making it open source, once I polish it enough. Since it's basically just a working mess I myself needed to work for now.

As for data safety, I can give you my word that I don't care if I have a collection of dates more or less on my server. I usually have them cleared regularly, once the disk gets full. Until I publish this though, you will only have this word of trust. So you may use this at your own risk. I don't provide any implicit waranty of function or security. But I can't stop you if you do.

Feature requests

A list of approved feature requests. Those which are completed are removed one patch later:

☒ Formatted calendar
☒ Allow special characters in board name
☒ Simpler share function
☒ Show usernames on voted day
☒ Editable votes
☐ Editable time range
☐ Better UI


If you have found a bug, have questions or other inquiries you may contact me via my website.